For us, logistics means binding partnership and adherence to deadlines
The correct storage and the precise dispatch of dry food requires special care in handling and packaging. With our experience and the expertise of our partners, we deliver your raw materials, intermediate products and finished goods just-in-time to you or directly to your customers. This saves you costs and CO2 emissions.
Would you like to sell products abroad? – no problem!
As a contract blender, we can apply for the relevant export documents such as certificate of origin, health certificate, veterinary certificate, etc.
We also source our goods from abroad. We are an approved recipient and are able to actively refine the products. You don’t need to worry about the necessary customs documentation; we take care of this!

We take responsibility for all logistics processes for you, including customs clearance and document management. We and our partners pass this information on to you.
If you have any questions about storage or delivery, please contact us. As a reliable partner, we can react flexibly to individual requirements. This is how we ensure pinpoint delivery of quality foods, which are ready for further processing or sale.

We have a total of 3 loading ramps and a highly motivated team for fast and smooth loading and unloading of trucks.
Directions to Meitron

Tuesday, 08:00-15:30
Wednesday, 08:00-15:30
Thursday, 08:00-15:30
Friday, 07:00-12:30